optibelt KB SK

optibelt KB SK

Kraftbands with wedge V-belts




3V/9J, 5V/15J, 8V/25J, SPZ, SPA, SPB, SPC


1,200 to 12,000 mm


ptibelt KB SK kraftbands consist of high-quality individual V-belts which are connected with one another by a joining band. According to the application, up to 5 wedge V-belts may be used per kraftband.

In special cases, kraftbands with more than 5 belts are available. When using several kraftbands per drive, combinations of sets must be specified.

Optibelt KB SK kraftbands are used above all with extreme shock loads or large centre distances in combination with small diameter pulleys and with vertical shafts.


  • single belt characteristic
  • vibration-free drives with long centres
  • outstanding flexibility
  • can be used on clutching drives
  • high operational safety
  • vertical shaft drives